Hey, you're talking out the side of your neck!
(This Valentine's Day, don't surprize her with a greeting card, flowers or candy, instead give her Valentine Strawberries from sherriesberries.com. They're strawberries dipped in red to match the finish of a February tradition. Sherriesberries.com.)
VO: This is GSN The Know. The most informed and entertained blog in the United States of America. Now, from the WIlton-North building, here is the man about games, Pierre Kelly.
Me: Hi my GSN lovers. There's an old lyric that goes "Shoot that poison arrow through my heart," and it's time to shoot that same poison arrow to where other game show blogs go and that's nowhere. First period starting about now. Shoot it, Hilty.
For the first time in the show's history, The Chase snatched away the top spot, But Feud wasn't finished yet. It ranked 2-6, Pyramid taking 7th, DOND jumping to 8th and Feud tying for 9th. Now the ones who missed the target but shot it through a neighbor's window.
2/3 Of an MOAM tripleheader kicked it off followed by a double dose of Baggage. P+, Pyramid, MOAM prior to DED, Match Game and 2 more MOAM shows to round it out. First period over. Hilty, shoot the whole thing off.
Right after the break, confessions of a game show nerd and one shortie that put a future sportscaster on the map. Find out next.
(song fades out)
(quick fade out)
Back to action amd The Chase 3 would have to wait until later in the year, thanks in part to Mark Labett working on the UK version of the show. The program notched in top ratings making it GSN's best original in years. This program is due in part to any issues offseason.
Just when you thought MOAM was gone for good, it's not. The show set good ratings for people with DVRs, that is digital video recorders for those of you that don't know due to it's comedic timing of Deray Davis and his guests.
And the polar vortex made fans stay home and make the network the best in January. High ratings for Chase and MOAM'S debut made it a month to remember. We hope February will repeat that.
Time now for.....
The GSN Closet.
Time to get fans on their soapbox and express what GSN meant for them.
(Song stops)
Okay, on to the 2nd intermission presented by swagbucks.com. Lindsey Stirling has a newer hit. Check it out.
Oh my stars, it's period three.
Long before Rebecca Grant was a sportscaster, she got a start in game shows. Why? Throut & Neck. Wait a second, did I mention it? Let me explain. 2 At-home players picked either of the 2 main characters and participated for cool stuff. See this was after Starcade, Video Power and Nick Arcade. We're in the N64-PS1 age and computer graphics were cool back then. As for Rebecca, she was the reason why you watched this show. Her outfits made men swoon. Now she's older, is it too late too sell her old wardrobe to eBay, Listia or a garage sale in her house? I don't know.
That should do it. Happy Valentine's week. Remember to turn on GSN to impress your love with her knowledge of shows.
Don't forget to email me at kellypierre8@gmail.com, coppockonsports@yahoo.com, Pierre Jason Kelly on FB and @Johnny_Arcade on twitter. We'll see you later and play on, playas.
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