Minding Somebody Else's Business

(Still in January and Planet Fitness is the one to shake the winter off of you and come enjoy their facilities. If you join this month, you get $10 down/$10 month just for January. So get to a Planet Fitness near you.)


VO: This is GSN The Know. The most informed and entertained blog in the United States of America. Now, from the WIlton-North building, here is the man about games, Pierre Kelly.

Me: Alright kids, welcome to the resolution you never berak year after year. We got a good blog for you this week and Hilty is here to break 'em off something with the first period.....


The week of New Year's started off stronng for Feud taking 1-8, with Sherriwed rounding out in 9 and 10. Now the ones who broke apart....


It was a whole sea of Baggage, with one in between DED and $25K Pyramid, with the latter next to last on the list. That's the first period, Hilty will now breakaway.



Let's break off into a word from our sponsor and then we'll come back about MOAM reviews, an afternoon shakeup and the Dos & DOnt's of uploading GSN stuff in a moment.

(song fades out)


(quick fade out)
Okay, so.....Did you enjoy Mind of a Man? I did. As always, with each new show, I've written a Review Haiku just for you.



(song fades out)

Maybe the others should've read my mind, because we're doing a new feature called....


The Review....Revue. Get it? ANyways.....

Carrie Grovensor of About.com said this:

"The pacing wasn't bad, though there were times when the game itself seemed like an afterthought."

Maybe MTWI might've had the same thing. Game Show Garbage got a D....yes a D, not F and said this:

"What comes off as a funny and light-hearted show in the commercials just drags in the front game and goes by quickly with very few funny moments. The front game is broken by the final question which renders the first 20 minutes of the show pointless and a disconnective end game makes for a half hour that makes you wonder what could have been."

I guess everything can fall apart in a 1/2 hour. Maybe Dexter Johnson of "The Blog Is Right" had this in mind....

"While Mind of a Man does not have a wide list of household-name celebrities, the show’s current roster of celebrities (based on the episode I had previewed featuring Skyler Stone, Kim Whitley, Alonzo Bodden) has shown that they can bring enough comedic energy to the show to the point where the lack of 'big name' stars is not even a factor."

D-List celebs, huh? Well, we'll see who else comes in this week.

(song fades out)

The afternoon rolls around next week, bceause another hour of STYD will be added to the mix and DOND, a show GSN hadn't seen in the light of day will kick CHain Reaction and O 'Hurley Feud out the door. Why is this a shock to all? Well, CR became a top 10 hit despite being in reruns, but STYD needed another hour to deal with, so it'll have a bit of a break, but O' Hurley Feud....it's still on weekends. We'll see how the new change goes.

Quit playing games with my.....Storage locker?

A self-Storage expert talks her favorite game shwos and wants to use them for her upcoming expo. Storage Wars, anyone?

Best. Year. Ever.

Remember 2013? Well, the network touts it as the Best Year Ever. Maybe Family Trade didn't hurt its image a bit.

Take Rather than give.....

One blogger trashes the upcoming GSN program. She says....

"Just think about it for a minute. Do we really need a Christian version of The Bachelor that goes into actual churches and enlists stay-at-home moms and grannies to select a romantic partner for a handsome guinea pig? Is this God’s plan for finding a mate? Does this make a mockery out of Christian courtship at a time when marriage is already under attack? Should we really model the world’s methods of finding love?
I don’t believe the concept of It Takes a Church is particularly edifying to anyone. I believe it’s a distraction from true discipleship and outreach programs. I believe it brings Hollywood into the church with glim and glamour more than it takes the church into Hollywood with the gospel of salvation. Sure, God is likely to work some good out of it because He’s God. But is this the best we can do? What do you think?"

I guess it may go in the Way of Bible Challenge, but I think it'll outlast somewhat than Duck Dynasty.

ANd finally, one interview with Jessica Simpson on a talk show says she like Feud because.....of STeve Harvey.  Yikes. On to the 2nd intermission presented by swagbucks.com.  Jennifer Gabrelli may be a singer, but when it comes to her wedding shtick, one thing's for sure you won't hire her at your next wedding. Watch.

Word. Now on to the 3rd and final period.

Not too long ago, A user with the names "Catnap72" and "Teevee gameshows too" took both accounts down ending an era of GSN-broadcasted throwbacks. Why is this? Because someone heard he was going to do Russian Roulette but he thinks its owned by both the network and its game company Worldwinner, so he takes both down. Smart Move? Perhaps....not. But whoever you're uploading videos to share, here are things to avoid getting a copyright strike. First, make sure you use old vcr tapes to covert to dvds in order to upload them to YT.  Next, dony upload anything GSN airs for their originals. Look, they got a channel of their own, and seeing you get caught with MOAM shows is a no-no, so don't. Next, report and flag somebody who copied your shows. Once that happens, Bullseye! Copyright strike in the rear end for somebody. Lastly, Just comment with the flow if they like it.  Facebook and Twitter can help more people get on board. These tips will help you get out of copyright srikes forever.


The shades have been pulled down and the lights are out. We're done! Today's blog is brought to you by leftover wedding cake. Reward yourself with cake you ate at a wedding just in case you don't wanna have Zebra Cakes for dinner.

Don't forget to email me at kellypierre8@gmail.comcoppockonsports@yahoo.com, Pierre Jason Kelly on FB and @Johnny_Arcade on twitter. We'll see you later and play on, playas. 


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